Get Your German Marketing Questions Answered in 1 Hour
You already know that selling to Germany is a great way to grow your small business.
New customers, your eggs in different baskets, a robust business that provides financial security. Just thinking about it feels wunderbar.
And you want to get cracking.
But there are also a couple of questions popping in your head that are hard to answer on your own.
Maybe you have some nagging doubts about a certain topic. Or you think, “Ok, I’ve got this in mind, but is it any good?”. You want to make sure that your German marketing strategy is spot on for your ideal German customers. And that you won’t put your foot in it (embarrassing) or waste money (not now).
At the same time, you’re not up for yet another full training programme that’s just too long and too much of an investment. You want quick answers to your specific questions. That’s it.
Having a pair of German eyes look at your marketing questions can give you exactly the boost of confidence you need to make that bold decision you’ve been putting off.
And a course correction right at the start of your journey will make sure you’re spending your time and money wisely on marketing efforts that will ✨really✨ resonate with the German culture.
60 minutes. 1:1. All your questions answered.
Whether it’s just some general questions about marketing to Germans, a particular campaign idea you want to discuss with me, some ads or visuals you’d like me to look at, to name just a few. Let’s go through it together.
Sound good? Then book your Power Hour now.
Hi, I’m Mandy, a German pretzel with a professional background in marketing and translation.
After a few years of translating copy and content for companies big and small, I realised that translations are only part of the equation when it comes to selling your stuff abroad.
If you don’t know your German customers well, a translation, no matter how well done, is bound to fall short. And judging by the texts that clients asked me to translate, many of them didn’t know what they were doing.
That’s when I decided to expand my service portfolio, combine my knowledge of marketing and German culture, and help my clients tailor their marketing efforts to the German market.
I’m here to guide you on your way to the German market and share all my experience with you so that you can easily reach your German customers.
Read more about me here.